Ruby Outdoors Operations Updates for Summer 2025

Due to ongoing health concerns for a family member, Ruby Outdoors will run a very limited pre-camp Red Cross certification training season. At this time, Ruby Outdoors is at capacity for lifeguarding courses and cannot schedule or assist with any additional pre-camp lifeguarding courses.

Upcoming certification courses that are running prior to the summer season are viewable on this page.

Operations Notes:

  • Camps scheduling lifeguarding courses must schedule a minimum of 4 days for their courses. This will still be operated as a blended learning course. There was resounding feedback from 2024 that after-dinner sessions and long days were simply not successful.

  • Blended learning will be offered via the Request Online Class portal with the Red Cross. All this means for you as an organization hiring Ruby Outdoors to do your course is that you will receive an email to send to students taking lifeguarding ahead prior to your course and it will include the link for them to sign-in to the Red Cross to get started with the class. You will not need to provide course rosters (names and email addresses) to Ruby prior to your course. An approximate count of students will still be required by May 1.

  • Fee increases: Current clients, please see your email regarding fee increases.

  • *NEW* Deposits required by April 1. A $200 deposit is required by April 1 to confirm your course.

There is still capacity in the Ruby Outdoors calendar for scheduling the following trainings and services:

  • First Aid/CPR/AED courses

  • Manikin rentals

  • Leadership training for leadership team (April 16-May 23)

  • Frontline training for summer staff (June 2-6)

Email Ruby to inquire about scheduling training.